Sekitar sebulan yang lalu, saya dan beberapa teman pergi ke Singapura untuk melakukan suatu survei. Negara multi ras dengan berbagai bahasa, salah satunya bahasa Inggris. Waktu itu kita semua mau makan siang dan pergi ke kantin. Akhirnya saya penasaran dengan menu makanannya.
Rdz : saya
Slr : penjual
Rdz : Are there Halal food? (sambil nunjuk stand masakan China)
Slr : No, Only this and the other there are Halal food. (sambil nunjuk standnya dan satu stand lain)
Rdz : I want chicken noodle, please
Slr : Sorry, there is no noodle for now..
Rdz : Ok, hmm Excuse me Sir, what is "mutton"? (sambil nunjuk menu makanan "mutton curry")
Slr : Oh, that is hmmm (mikir agak lama).. that is "kambing"
Rdz : ...... (speachless,, yaah ngapain juga ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris kalo gitu.. hehe)
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011
Selamat Jalan, Kawan
Saya pengen nulis tentang temen saya. Temen yang mulai saya kenal sejak kelas 1 SMA. Kebetulan kami sekelas pada saat itu. Saat itu memang pertemanan kami bisa dibilang biasa saja. Bercanda garing dan sinis, liat PR (saya yang liat ke dia), semua berjalan seperti halnya anak SMA pada umumnya. Saat perpisahan kelas pun kami bersama seluruh teman lainnya pergi liburan bersama ke Anyer, villanya Flo. Itu adalah liburan yang paling maknyoss waktu itu. kelas 2, kelas 3 berlalu. Kita beda kelas tapi tetep berteman kok, saling menyapa kalau berpapasan. Setiap tahun pasti anak2 kelas X-5 berusaha minta ketemuan, walaupun ga fullteam.
Setelah Ujian Nasional dan SNMPTN, ternyata kami masuk kampus dan fakultas yang sama, SAPPK. Waktu di SAPPK juga, walaupun beda kelas, tapi masih suka main bareng, ulang tahunnya Maisa, ulang tahunnya Flo, kami makan2 dan jalan2. Emang kayanya kami paling suka jalan2, hehe..
Waktu penjurusan tingkat 2, ternyata kami bareng lagi, di Planologi 2008. Dan waktu itu ada MPAB HMP yang kita ikutin bareng. Kebetulan saya dipercaya jadi ketua angkatan PL 08, jadi saya ingin lebih deket sama temen2 satu angkatan saya, termasuk dia. kegiatan MPAB yang sering selesai malam hari, membuat kita lumayan sering pulang bareng. Saya naik motor, rumah di Margahayu, saya pulang lewat daerah rumahnya, jadi sekalian bareng, daripada dia naik angkot. Saya juga ada temen ngobrol di motor.
Suatu saat, waktu pertemuan MPAB yang seharusnya pada pukul 18.30, beberapa temen kami belum dateng semua. Satu persatu mereka datang, dan waktu menunjukkan telah lewat jam seharusnya. Milih berangkat duluan atau nungguin ya? Akhirnya kami semua nunggu karena waktu di sms mereka udah memastikan mau datang dan masih di jalan. kebetulan yang terakhir datang adalah dia. Saat itu semua lengkap dan kami akhirnya terlambat 33 menit. Panitia menghukum kita semua satu angkatan, MPAB dibubarkan. Masih teringat jelas dia minta maaf dan meneteskan air mata di hadapan saya. Saya ga bisa marah juga orangnya, hhe.. Yaudah saya maafin dan yakin kalau kita semua bisa lebih baik lagi selanjutnya.
Akhirnya MPAB kami selesai, dan kami mendapat jahim kebanggaan (kami sempet foto2 sama Yudo dan Ficky dengan memakai jahim, mereka juga baru dilantik) dan memulai babak baru di HMP sebagai anggota biasa. Kalau kami kebetulan pulang malam, kami pulang bareng dan saya turunkan dia di Cicadas, dekat Apotek Cibeunying.
Setelah saya cuti kuliah...
Saya masih nunggu kuliah dan dia belum dapat kepastian tempat kerja praktik. Akhirnya kami banyak berjalan2 dan bermain bersama teman2 lainnya. Kami juga suka main kartu bersama, mulai dari babi2an, rebutan pulpen (apa itu nama gamesnya), ken, rumee, sampai a**hole. Dia paling suka yang terakhir. kami jalan2 mulai dari mengunjungi BCL, main seperti anak kecil dan karaokean sambil nunggu hujan. ke De Ranch, naik sepeda, naik kuda, panah2an, makan. Terakhir kami bersama teman2 lainnya pergi makan2 ke Pascal Hypersquare, nemenin Inu beli makanan sekalian jalan2 juga. hhe..
Pulangnya seperti biasa, kita bareng naik motor saya. Di motor, kami ngobrol2. Dia bercerita kalau sudah mendapat tempat kerja praktik di Jakarta. Dia juga akan ngekos di sana, biayanya per hari dia cerita. Sebelum ke tempat kos dia mau nginep di tempatnya Inu di Jakarta katanya. Akhirnya sampai tempat biasa, saya turunkan dia di sana. Saya pun pulang ke rumah.
Seminggu setelah itu, Jumat malam, saya mendapat kabar bahwa teman saya ini mengalami kecelakaan di Jakarta. Awalnya saya kira dia mengalami cedera ringan, ternyata cedera yang dia alami cukup parah dan mengharuskan dia menjalani operasi otak. Hari minggu saya menjenguknya, dia belum siuman. Semua teman2 mengharapkan yang terbaik untuknya. Kami berdoa untuk kesembuhannya.
lima hari setelah dia mengalami kecelakaan, tepatnya Rabu, 15 Juni 2011 dia menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina Jakarta. Ternyata Allah punya rencana lebih baik untuk dia. Keesokan harinya kami mengantarnya menuju peristirahatan terakhirnya di Bandung.
Selamat Jalan kawan. Kamu telah membagi pelajaran tentang pertemanan. Terima kasih sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup saya. Saya yakin Allah punya rencana indah untukmu. Semoga kamu dapat tempat terbaik di Sisi Allah SWT. Keceriaan kamu akan selalu kami kenang.
Tribute to Ariyanni (December 20th, 1990 - June 15th, 2011)
Setelah Ujian Nasional dan SNMPTN, ternyata kami masuk kampus dan fakultas yang sama, SAPPK. Waktu di SAPPK juga, walaupun beda kelas, tapi masih suka main bareng, ulang tahunnya Maisa, ulang tahunnya Flo, kami makan2 dan jalan2. Emang kayanya kami paling suka jalan2, hehe..
Waktu penjurusan tingkat 2, ternyata kami bareng lagi, di Planologi 2008. Dan waktu itu ada MPAB HMP yang kita ikutin bareng. Kebetulan saya dipercaya jadi ketua angkatan PL 08, jadi saya ingin lebih deket sama temen2 satu angkatan saya, termasuk dia. kegiatan MPAB yang sering selesai malam hari, membuat kita lumayan sering pulang bareng. Saya naik motor, rumah di Margahayu, saya pulang lewat daerah rumahnya, jadi sekalian bareng, daripada dia naik angkot. Saya juga ada temen ngobrol di motor.
Suatu saat, waktu pertemuan MPAB yang seharusnya pada pukul 18.30, beberapa temen kami belum dateng semua. Satu persatu mereka datang, dan waktu menunjukkan telah lewat jam seharusnya. Milih berangkat duluan atau nungguin ya? Akhirnya kami semua nunggu karena waktu di sms mereka udah memastikan mau datang dan masih di jalan. kebetulan yang terakhir datang adalah dia. Saat itu semua lengkap dan kami akhirnya terlambat 33 menit. Panitia menghukum kita semua satu angkatan, MPAB dibubarkan. Masih teringat jelas dia minta maaf dan meneteskan air mata di hadapan saya. Saya ga bisa marah juga orangnya, hhe.. Yaudah saya maafin dan yakin kalau kita semua bisa lebih baik lagi selanjutnya.
Akhirnya MPAB kami selesai, dan kami mendapat jahim kebanggaan (kami sempet foto2 sama Yudo dan Ficky dengan memakai jahim, mereka juga baru dilantik) dan memulai babak baru di HMP sebagai anggota biasa. Kalau kami kebetulan pulang malam, kami pulang bareng dan saya turunkan dia di Cicadas, dekat Apotek Cibeunying.
Setelah saya cuti kuliah...
Saya masih nunggu kuliah dan dia belum dapat kepastian tempat kerja praktik. Akhirnya kami banyak berjalan2 dan bermain bersama teman2 lainnya. Kami juga suka main kartu bersama, mulai dari babi2an, rebutan pulpen (apa itu nama gamesnya), ken, rumee, sampai a**hole. Dia paling suka yang terakhir. kami jalan2 mulai dari mengunjungi BCL, main seperti anak kecil dan karaokean sambil nunggu hujan. ke De Ranch, naik sepeda, naik kuda, panah2an, makan. Terakhir kami bersama teman2 lainnya pergi makan2 ke Pascal Hypersquare, nemenin Inu beli makanan sekalian jalan2 juga. hhe..
Pulangnya seperti biasa, kita bareng naik motor saya. Di motor, kami ngobrol2. Dia bercerita kalau sudah mendapat tempat kerja praktik di Jakarta. Dia juga akan ngekos di sana, biayanya per hari dia cerita. Sebelum ke tempat kos dia mau nginep di tempatnya Inu di Jakarta katanya. Akhirnya sampai tempat biasa, saya turunkan dia di sana. Saya pun pulang ke rumah.
Seminggu setelah itu, Jumat malam, saya mendapat kabar bahwa teman saya ini mengalami kecelakaan di Jakarta. Awalnya saya kira dia mengalami cedera ringan, ternyata cedera yang dia alami cukup parah dan mengharuskan dia menjalani operasi otak. Hari minggu saya menjenguknya, dia belum siuman. Semua teman2 mengharapkan yang terbaik untuknya. Kami berdoa untuk kesembuhannya.
lima hari setelah dia mengalami kecelakaan, tepatnya Rabu, 15 Juni 2011 dia menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina Jakarta. Ternyata Allah punya rencana lebih baik untuk dia. Keesokan harinya kami mengantarnya menuju peristirahatan terakhirnya di Bandung.
Selamat Jalan kawan. Kamu telah membagi pelajaran tentang pertemanan. Terima kasih sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup saya. Saya yakin Allah punya rencana indah untukmu. Semoga kamu dapat tempat terbaik di Sisi Allah SWT. Keceriaan kamu akan selalu kami kenang.
Tribute to Ariyanni (December 20th, 1990 - June 15th, 2011)
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
Best Movies for This Holiday
Ok guys, while my friends are working for an internship, I spend my time to watch a lot of movies. It's my new hobby I think. I like to watch all the kind of movies, from drama, action, comedy, romance, etc. I love it. Here they are the top ten best movies of my holiday, so far..
10. Paranormal Activity
Another good scary movie. When we watch this movie, we are like watching documentary movie. It makes the scene and the picture looks so real. The movie with low budget which can makes Stephen Spielberg hiding under his blanket. It is so spooky movie!!
9. The Bourne Identity
tells about the assassin who lost his mind. He doesn't know his identity. With the lack of information, he tries to find his identity, while he has to protect himself from the other assassin who wants to kill him as well. That become the point of this movie.
8. Prince of Persia
Tells about the Persian guy who trapped in the slander of the family. In the attempt to expand the kingdom, his father was killed. And the Persian guy accused as the murder of his father. His way to prove that he is not guilty take him to the adventure in this movie. With his magic knife, he makes the adventure. A great adventure of Prince of Persia!
7. Big Fish
The other touchy movie about relationship between the father and son. There is the son who feel grumpy because his father always tell fantasy to him. The son wants to hear the real life story of his father, but the father's keep telling impossible fantasy story to him with fantasy character as well. The son doesn't believe about that. Until his father passed away, the son realize that his father didn't tell fantasy, he told him his real life experience.
6. Le Petit Nicholas
This is France movie. Tells about children's mind about having a little brother/sister. The movie shows a lot of children with different character one and another. So light movie. Good for refreshing our mind!! :)
5. National Treasure : The Book of Secret
Good family movie from Nicholas Cage!!
Tells about the archaeologist and historian who wants to fix the reputation of his family. How to do that? He has to break the puzzle of treasure's map. To find the information to break the puzzle, he must go around the world from France, England, and United States. Will he find the treasure and fix his family's reputation? Find the answers in this movie!!
4. Pan's Labyrinth
This is Spain Movie, that has broadcast in Cannes Movie Festival, France. The background of the movie is the war in Spain, 1940. There was a little girl, the step daughter of the mean captain. Actually the girl was the daughter of the king who had passed away hundred years before. To return to her kingdom, she has to pass the tests. her sacrifice and willingness to go back to her family become the point of this movie. Although this is fantasy movie, DON'T let the children watch it by them self!!
3. Love Actually
The movie tells about any kind of love stories from different persons. Each person has their own story and own ending. Some of them are happy, and the others have sad ending. Some peoples cry because of watching this movie. The comedy makes the movie so fresh. Good movie to watch!!
2. The Green Mile
This is the story from the warden who meet the special prisoner. The prisoner has the
extraordinary ability he use for good reason. Because of something (you have to find it by yourself) he was jailed and treated by death punishment. With his golden heart he spend the rest of his life to do good things. This movie is so touchy, it has the message that you can find. One of cool movie from Tom Hanks.
1. The Shawshank Redemption
The best movie ever!!
Tells about the smart innocent prisoner who wants to prove that he is not guilty. In the prison he meet a lot of friend with different character. With his intelligence, he reveals the corrupt warden, teaches mathematics to the other prisoners, and tries to escape from the prison. You will find the unpredictable ending in this movie.
That's my review of top ten best movies in my holiday.
It would be lovely if you can share yours.
Enjoy your holiday!!
10. Paranormal Activity
Another good scary movie. When we watch this movie, we are like watching documentary movie. It makes the scene and the picture looks so real. The movie with low budget which can makes Stephen Spielberg hiding under his blanket. It is so spooky movie!!
9. The Bourne Identity
tells about the assassin who lost his mind. He doesn't know his identity. With the lack of information, he tries to find his identity, while he has to protect himself from the other assassin who wants to kill him as well. That become the point of this movie.
8. Prince of Persia
Tells about the Persian guy who trapped in the slander of the family. In the attempt to expand the kingdom, his father was killed. And the Persian guy accused as the murder of his father. His way to prove that he is not guilty take him to the adventure in this movie. With his magic knife, he makes the adventure. A great adventure of Prince of Persia!
7. Big Fish
The other touchy movie about relationship between the father and son. There is the son who feel grumpy because his father always tell fantasy to him. The son wants to hear the real life story of his father, but the father's keep telling impossible fantasy story to him with fantasy character as well. The son doesn't believe about that. Until his father passed away, the son realize that his father didn't tell fantasy, he told him his real life experience.
6. Le Petit Nicholas
This is France movie. Tells about children's mind about having a little brother/sister. The movie shows a lot of children with different character one and another. So light movie. Good for refreshing our mind!! :)
5. National Treasure : The Book of Secret
Good family movie from Nicholas Cage!!
Tells about the archaeologist and historian who wants to fix the reputation of his family. How to do that? He has to break the puzzle of treasure's map. To find the information to break the puzzle, he must go around the world from France, England, and United States. Will he find the treasure and fix his family's reputation? Find the answers in this movie!!
4. Pan's Labyrinth
This is Spain Movie, that has broadcast in Cannes Movie Festival, France. The background of the movie is the war in Spain, 1940. There was a little girl, the step daughter of the mean captain. Actually the girl was the daughter of the king who had passed away hundred years before. To return to her kingdom, she has to pass the tests. her sacrifice and willingness to go back to her family become the point of this movie. Although this is fantasy movie, DON'T let the children watch it by them self!!
3. Love Actually
The movie tells about any kind of love stories from different persons. Each person has their own story and own ending. Some of them are happy, and the others have sad ending. Some peoples cry because of watching this movie. The comedy makes the movie so fresh. Good movie to watch!!
2. The Green Mile
This is the story from the warden who meet the special prisoner. The prisoner has the
extraordinary ability he use for good reason. Because of something (you have to find it by yourself) he was jailed and treated by death punishment. With his golden heart he spend the rest of his life to do good things. This movie is so touchy, it has the message that you can find. One of cool movie from Tom Hanks.
1. The Shawshank Redemption
The best movie ever!!
Tells about the smart innocent prisoner who wants to prove that he is not guilty. In the prison he meet a lot of friend with different character. With his intelligence, he reveals the corrupt warden, teaches mathematics to the other prisoners, and tries to escape from the prison. You will find the unpredictable ending in this movie.
That's my review of top ten best movies in my holiday.
It would be lovely if you can share yours.
Enjoy your holiday!!
anak kecil dan orang asing
Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia saat ini masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi penyampaiannya, menurut saya. Karena anak - anak masih diajarkan untuk menghafal, bukan mengerti arti pembicaraan.
cad : temen saya
sd : anak sd
sd : How are you?
cad : I'm fine thank you. How are you?
sd : I'm fine thank you, and you?
cad : ......
*terinspirasi dari kisah nyata. :)
cad : temen saya
sd : anak sd
sd : How are you?
cad : I'm fine thank you. How are you?
sd : I'm fine thank you, and you?
cad : ......
*terinspirasi dari kisah nyata. :)
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